Today, July 25, 2012, years of hard work by Doctor Ron Paul and his liberty colleagues paid off. The House of Representatives voted today to pass H.R. 459, Ron Paul's Audit The Fed bill. The bill passed with 327 Yea votes to 98 Nays. The bill requires a full audit of the Federal Reserve Board of Governors, who is responsible for controlling the monetary supply of the country. I have a lot of business to address today.
1) Why it is good: I could write a several page paper on why an audit of the Federal Reserve is a good thing, but let me briefly highlight several reasons. First of all, the Federal Reserve prevents competition in the markets. They are able to hand out bailouts to companies, and they sometimes do that under the radar. Bailouts choose winners and losers among companies in the market, which is not capitalism, but rather government intervention. Second of all, there is a possibility that the Federal Reserve is giving freshly printed money never in use to friends, which is cronyism. We wouldn't know about this because the Fed doesn't need to disclose things like this, which is the point of an audit. A third reason is that it devalues the currency of the United States. The more money that is printed, the less each dollar is worth. We have seen this through skyrocketing prices, financial bubbles, and a slow collapse of the dollar. Finally, the Federal Reserve is unconstitutional. The Constitution gives monetary policy to the Congress, not a separate institution.
2) Who to call: 98 Congressmen voted against this bill. It is important that you know who these individuals are so that you can voice your disappointment in them and vote them out if they are your representative. Here is a list of the 98 Congressmen that voted against H.R. 459:
3) Where we go: So, where do we go from here? Although today's vote is a landmark for the movement, there is a lot of work from here. The House voted with 75% at "Yea," which means it is veto proof as of now and we don't have to worry about the President. It also means that it cannot be amended, so we don't have to worry about that. The big battle, however, is in the Senate. House Majority Leader Harry Reid (D-NV) has vowed not to bring the bill up for a vote in that chamber, despite his support for the bill in the past (he is very partisan). This is obviously a major obstacle. The Senate version of the bill, S. 202, is currently in committee, which is an additional obstacle. It is stuck in the Senate Banking Committee. The head of this committee is Senator Tim Johnson (D-SD). These two people need to hear the Ron Paul r3VOLution loudly and clearly over the next few weeks. We need to let them know that the "People's House" wants this passed, polls show that the people want this passed, and the Senate owes it to the Constitution and the people to at least put this up for a vote. Here is the contact info for these two leaders. Contact them politely and frequently. You can also contact your Senators and let them know that you support this bill.
Senator Harry Reid
(202) 224-3542
Senator Tim Johnson
(202) 224-5842
4) A "Thank You" note: I want to give a shout out to the people who made this happen. The first person is obviously Representative Ron Paul. He has worked hard on this issue for many years. He has put this bill in front of the Congress and seen it fail, and he deserves so much credit for this. Despite being ignored for years, he pressed on and now he has finally convinced a majority of the House that an audit of the Fed is needed. I am so grateful that he has worked so hard. Others that deserve credit for this success are Rep. Justin Amash (R-MI), Sen. Rand Paul (R-KY), and Rep. Dennis Kucinich (D-OH), who have been leaders in Washington in support of this bill. I also want to thank Rep. Blake Farenthold (R-TX), Rep. Lacy Clay (D-MO), Rep. Darrell Issa (R-CA), Rep. Denny Rehberg (R-MT), Rep. Lynn Jenkins (R-KS), Rep. Jason Chaffetz (R-UT), Rep. Marsha Blackburn (R-TN), Rep. Cynthia Lummis (R-WY), and others for their support through speeches on the house floor. I also would like to thank each and every one of the representatives that voted in favor of this legislation. I will not list all of them by name, but each and every one of them has helped this bill on it's way to becoming a law.
5) In conclusion: This bill is absolutely necessary for our nation. I don't care what party you are, what your social class is, or what occupation you hold. This bill is necessary. If you are a liberal, it helps your cause to even out the playing field and take away money from corporations. If you are a conservative, it helps your cause to get the government out of the economy. And regardless of your political beliefs, you can agree that every branch of government is to be held accountable by the people, and you can agree that the devaluation of your money is a very bad thing. Join me in continuing to fight for this bill.
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