I will take this opportunity to give my thoughts as well. This primary season has been, in my eyes, a success. While I must admit that it was dissapointing that we did not get to see an electoral victory, the message has grown beyond anyone's expectations. Throughout the campaign, millions of Americans, from all political opinions, have woken up to the message of liberty. According to the campaign's Illinois website, Congressman Paul's vote totals doubled in Iowa, tripled in New Hampshire, and quadrupled in South Carolina. Those numbers show that the liberty movement is growing significantly and most importantly, it is happening within a major party.
Next up is the convention. For those of you who will be going, I urge you to heed Congressman Paul's advice. Please do not be disrespectful, that only motivates those running the show to ignore you more. That does not mean that you should give up, however. Do not give in to the Romney people's request. Politefully disagree with them and try to make significant changes. Changing the party platform and convincing Romney supporters to hop the fence on a few issues will do a lot more good than screaming "RON PAUL!" and getting ejected from the building. Also, make sure to attend Paul Festival, which is taking place August 24-26 at the Florida State Fairgrounds in Tampa and will feature music from bands who support Ron Paul as well as big names in the liberty movement.
After that, Congressman Paul will be retiring this January as he is not seeking re-election in November. This discourages many supporters, but do not let it do so. Ron Paul is no doubt the champion of liberty, but he and many others have worked very hard over the years to establish a movement strong enough to exist without them. Many Ron Paul supporters have been inspired to follow in Ron's footsteps and get involved in the political system. . We now have several libertarians in Congress that can take over leadership of the movement. These include Sen. Rand Paul (R-KY) and Rep. Justin Amash (R-MI). There are also many liberty candidates running this November, including Kurt Bills (Sen. candidate in MN), Ted Cruz (Sen. candidate in TX), Rick Williams (Sen. candidate in CA), and many others. We now have a significant number of liberty-oriented officials in local offices throughout the country as well.
Finally, I would like to thank all of you who were a part of this campaign. Whether you were a campaign leader or you just voted, this was a great experience. Thank you for realizing that government is more destructive than helpful, and remember that this is far from the end. There is a lot of work to be done as we move forward, and I hope that everyone will remain as involved in the movement throughout the next year and beyond as they have been in the past.
In liberty, Jared
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